Yoga Nidra and Deep Rest Masterclass: Restorative Yoga for the Body and Freeing the Senses

90-min Yoga Nidra Masterclass | Online

Friday 10th May 2024
6:30 pm


8:00 pm
This class is recorded – Available for one month.

Price: £


An essential aspect of rejuvenating the body involves deeply relaxing the senses: the skin, mouth, nostrils, ears, eyes, and brain. Often, our senses are unconsciously gripped by tension, causing the body to contract and become tense as well.

Openness and relaxation can be achieved through gentle and welcoming visualisations and soft listening, enabling sensations to unfold naturally.

By allowing objects to come to our senses, we can cultivate a greater connection to pure perception, free from mental interference. When the senses are truly liberated, the entire body engages in the acts of seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling spontaneously and effortlessly.

Overall, restoring the body requires nurturing a state of sensory freedom, where each aspect of perception can flourish and allow us to experience life afresh.

Join Laurent for our monthly 90-minute masterclass and immerse yourself in a revitalising practice incorporating restorative yoga, deep relaxation techniques, and meditations.

For all abilities.

Online via Zoom