Reducing Stress and Anxiety: A Holistic Body-Breath-Mind Approach

2.5-hour Workshop | In Person

Saturday 25th May 2024
2:00 pm


4:30 pm
63 Wingate Square, London SW4 0AF

Price: £


According to a recent online poll by YouGov, 74% of the UK population have felt so stressed that they have been overwhelmed or unable to cope. Alongside depression, anxiety is the most common mental health problem in the UK.

Breathwork and mental health specialist Laurent Roure will lead a 2.5-hour workshop at Yogahaven Clapham focusing on stress and anxiety.

Discover practical techniques to regulate your nervous system and cultivate inner calm daily. This session involves simple somatic (body), breathwork, and meditative practices designed for easy integration into your routine. The workshop includes practical methods such as gentle movement, breath regulation, and supportive meditation techniques.

Laurent provides a holistic and straightforward approach, offering techniques to address hyperventilation, shallow breathing, trouble sleeping, fatigue, body tension, and pain induced by stress, anxiety, burn-out, and overwhelming events.

Gain comprehensive knowledge on self-regulation and stress control through the profound influence of breath, mindfulness, and embodiment.
Learn to access your body’s ‘rest and digest response’—a serene internal state for optimal well-being. Over time, mastering nervous system regulation leads to a life liberated from anxiety’s grip.

No prior breathwork experience is necessary for participation in this workshop.

Yogahaven Clapham
63 Wingate Square, London SW4 0AF